Source: The Voice of the Rebel
Hey, sisters puppets. Hey, brothers puppets. With some of you know in person and by puppets and puppet smart we are, we always have plenty to tell us, we exchange detailed analysis, and sometimes brilliant, our wires and those of others, we wonder why so many puppets have the illusion of being free, even if we do nothing but kick in a good position on the scene, and especially when we imagine the hated the puppeteers will reach the end of their days. Or of their power, at least.
As you may recall, last time I made a nice little speech which was titled "Rebels and running." Someone wrote to say he liked. Someone else to say that he was perplexed. One has tossed two specific questions. The first: then we create a freemasonry of "rebel"? Second, are we assuming a revolution like the French one? I do not see many alternatives - he concluded - but I accept suggestions. I told him privately in a perfunctory manner, so as not to make him wait a whole month. I sent him an email saying
No Freemasonry, God forbid. And certainly not "a revolution like the French." The idea is another. It starts with a question: is it possible to do something more than looking critically at the reality, the sole purpose of exchanging "acute" observations about what's wrong?
We think so. But not in strictly political terms, that is aimed at action immediately turned to the changes in society as a whole. In terms let's say, personal. Although the circumstances surrounding it is so degraded, it is possible (and in our duty to) move to a more active attitude.
How? We'll talk about in my editorial in the next issue.
The best is the enemy of the good
If realism tends to degenerate into cynicism - and therefore the inertia of those who are quick to take for certain that there is nothing to be done, because so much "has always been that way" - l 'idealism tends to become abstract, and could in turn not to confront them on the ground of reality. Fascinated, or subdued, by his own visions, idealism with a capital notes the proposals of others and is invariably imperfect. Oh God: not that it is not just all garbage, but one has to recognize that the goal is partial, incomplete, and therefore the change that lies ahead, even if was done, it still remained far, far away from that palingenesis morality and politics in Italy needs. Indeed Europe. Indeed the West. Indeed, the whole world.
Bullshit. It is one thing to acknowledge that we are behind some negative effects of structural defects, and be clear that, if you spend your life to deal with the consequences, do not remain a long time to eliminate the causes. It is quite another conclusion, becoming similar to those damn realistic quasi-cynical, and outside of the Revolution with a capital R is not to do anything at all. But there
. And how if any. Instead of stroking the moment, it is wonderful and rewarding, which will shape the universe in his own image and likeness (by the way: be sure to look closely in the mirror? Sure, absolutely certain of being able to serve as a model for anyone else, for now and forever?), you can roll up our sleeves and start from what is actually available. Pending the final battle, Armageddon in which the fatal Good and Evil will govern once and for all their unpleasant and thousands of years, litigation, you can do what all armies worthy of the name: erecting the camp, fortified as it should, train individually and in groups. Seeing the enemy to know that forces have. Check that the stocks are replenished as often as necessary. All stocks not only tracer bullets and explosives and, also, above all, water and food and clothing for summer and winter, the fuel to move and what to keep warm.
here. Now. We
is obviously a metaphor, the military. And it's obviously a hope that the hosts have already fed so as to require a collective organization. Let's step back, then. We think of our brave warrior (warrior, not any ruffian who is looking forward to beating her hands), and picture that is prepared. Picture it, even better, which is held ready to fight when the time comes, but not for this war-is around everywhere. On the contrary, he leads his daily life in a more balanced and harmonious it is capable of doing what is with the care of a farmer who loves his country, a craftsman who knows and wants to work only in a workmanlike , of an artist who pursues a genuine inspiration and is not intended to be satisfied with no tricks and no shortcuts. Try to set an example to himself and others. He knows that words, even the most beautiful, even the most just, I just talk, if they are not reflected in actual behavior. This
our warrior - I guess I like Cincinnatus, who loved to live in peace and cultivate his fields, and took the sword unless it was absolutely necessary - do not expect to have some kind of great opportunity to do his best. He does it constantly. Or at least tries to. At one point in his life, sooner or later, in one way or another, he realized a fundamental thing: when you can not choose your thing, you can still choose how. How
Papillon (decisively with a puppet balls) may be that the prisoner in some prison. And who is not way to escape, not even a shred of escape plan be developed. And indeed, failed to escape before, or a sacrosanct insubordination, has closed it in isolation. To punish him. To break it. But he, like Papillon, knows both the beauty of the dream that the strength of the discipline. How Papillon gets up from this piece of wood they call the cot, and dark or not dark, cockroaches or beetles, is necessary to walk. Three steps in one direction and the other three steps. Nothing extraordinary at all. Something wonderful, given the circumstances. How Papillon keeps alive. How Papillon takes on the alert.
Everything here, dear Dear brothers and sisters marionette puppets. Each of us, even in the worst conditions, even in our corrupt society and unhealthy, has the opportunity to do something better than to remain inert to contemplate the surrounding wreckage. For each of us, the workplace, in private life, the major activities and those of all ordinary, there's always the chance to live in a different way than trying to impose on us. They want to put us all against all? We respond with facts. Let's not impose the gross, dull, neurotic alternate between being helpless or be aggressive. Let us be calm, enthusiastic, generous. We return value to words: it can not always be to the death of a discussion we have to show that we are right at 101 percent and that others are dead wrong. We return value to the gestures, the normality of doing things just because it's the right thing: help you because I want to do it, period. Do not feel indebted. Not with me, at least. At best, if you're feeling, try to do the same with someone else next time.
Call it "revolution square inch, if you like. Try to remember that there is always a bit of reality depends on us. Continue, continue, to think about changing our country, Europe, the West and even the whole world, but in the meantime that little change 'of life that flows nearby.
Hey, sisters and brothers ex ex marionette puppets. Yup, the stars. Yup, you rebels.
Federico Zamboni