Four After I wrote the post on ' "One" , Four phoned me angry, because I would have overlooked.
Says: "Do not you know that there would be no life on Earth, without me?" All the chemistry of carbon is based on the number 4. Not even you'd be there, nice "
must admit that a little 'is right: the first four is the number space.
Let me explain: one, as I said, is that it can not even turn around ... lost in a vacuum. We are all ' "to be or not to be" or so.
With two points make a straight line, and begins a sense of direction (from here or there?). You can make a minimum of choice, for comparison.
With 3 points you rack up a plan, and it's separation barrier. A plan is needed, because the waters were finally separated from the sky, the floor is not the water, and even the sky, but it is necessary because they exist.
And finally the fourth is the conquest of space that we know well, the one-dimensional.
put four balls in a pyramid, and there is no corner of the space that remains inaccessible.
why I said that is space.
say, ".. but Cartesian space has three dimensions, not four!" . Well, you tried to remove mica, the 3-axis, the point of the Summit? The axes do not exist anymore. I'll tell you, to achieve three-dimensional space, you need the 4: 3 is not enough at all.
One says: "So what are the other numbers? "
As usual, nature was abundant mica a handful of numbers ... even endless: a Pandora's box of numbers.
" Ask and you shall receive "; you see that someone was unsure than he needed, and doubt they have been done more than any imaginable application (tie!).
But I would say, from five onwards, the numbers began a little 'less than candid .
numbers that are somewhat hidden, inaccessible.
a little' sneaky, in short, a rip .
The four are easy: 1 + 3: a complete existential identity (one), with the most complete formulation of themselves (3), or you can view it as the third stage of growth for cars -splitting (1 -> 2 -> 4) ... but 5?
The Egyptian pyramids could have a triangular base, no? Were much more symmetrical: so they have a summit that is different from the others. The
5 is asymmetric birth. Watch the hand, a finger is opposed to the courts 4.
E 'futile for shots so far: All the evidence points to think that 5 has to do with the entry in the field of the time dimension ...
A star (I assume a five-point) marks the entrance of the Messiah in the earthly dimension, that is where time exists, and determines the end of things, the transience of existence, the loss of immortality.
And that dimension is very different than the other, is undoubted. If nothing else, because in space you can go back in no time.
So, do not waste it this time, we go for a walk, is coming of spring.