This article comes to you thanks to kind donations "cabezit85" and "napobear. While
Italian prosecutor in the dark for all the world an entire blog because some of his posts are suspected of libel and is preparing legislation to punish with fines ranging from € thousands of bloggers who fail to rectify the post within 48 hours, The Associated Press - not a blog, not a gossip site, but a newspaper - comes out with an article completely invented. Or to put it all, false.
The article, "My moon wants a base", is signed by Anthony Field and is packaged as if I had done field questions lunar astronaut Buzz Aldrin, on the occasion of his public appearance in Tagliacozzo (AQ) , and they had the answer. It is not true.
not true because Aldrin has not been interviewed at the time. It is not true because the answers are actually attributed to the astronaut rearranged transcripts (plus awkwardly wrong) of what Aldrin told the audience. It is not true because even the actions attributed to Aldrin ("A model of the famous" Lem "falls from the table and he picks it up with a click, it gets up and does it descend slowly") never happened.
How do I know? Simple: The Press and Anthony Field have fallen ill in an attempt to boast of an interview with a prestigious leading astronaut landing on the Moon, published on the occasion of the forty-first anniversary of that business. Because I was there. Aldrin was the interpreter, I have full video and audio recordings of everything that was said, and the model of the LM (which is not dropped) is mine, led to Tagliacozzo for the occasion.
facts documenting the interview published by La Stampa and signed by Anthony Field is a fake. I wrote to the director, Mario Calabresi, to request the rectification of the article. Now let's see how long it takes the newspaper to correct and apologize to readers for having trimmed them a false story. How much are the fines and penalties for journalists who publish false information and does not rectify within 48 hours?
If there were no blogs to act as auditors to the invention of journalists, if there was no way for those who are outside the editorial offices to publicly denounce this abuse of trust given by those who read and buy a newspaper, pathetic episodes like this would do away with the. But bloggers are, gentlemen, and have no intention of being silenced.