Friday, November 26, 2010
Daisy 1993 Beanie Baby
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Watches With Gold Flakes In Them
From the network The digital market but Good, Clean and Fair
We have seen, and we see more and more often, products of our land
taste and inimitable qualitythrown, left to rot on the plants, or sold off against shoddy products sold at inflated prices. We have seen small producers and niche products exceptional suffer the greatest competition from producers. We have seen great products
healthy and genuine, typical of that territory,
directly from the manufacturer, with the so-called "short chain", eliminating the cost and waste market tradition.
It 's a e-commerce system with something more: the
product is collected and packaged only at the time the order is made . This ensures freshness and quality of working without stock (such as "wax" used for citrus fruit destined for supermarkets). The advantage for consumers is also reflected in farmer who earns the right emphasizing its small business avoiding the exploitation of the usual suspects. Here's an example
Today, November 18, 2010, the average price of clementines on the Italian market, according to the customer service
, is € 1.95 / Kg but what often is ignored by consumers source is the cost that is really how much money the manufacturer.
on a maximum price of 2.25 € / kg (the North) the product that caused
costs only € 0.48 / Kg ! Wholesale product cost increases by almost 200% with a further increase in retail markets. Digimarket
value agricultural products (not only) of good Mediterranean cuisine observing first of all the work of those who produce and protecting buyers with quality and fair price.
With the launchcurrent offerings, for example,
buy 2 packs of 14 pounds of clementines (for a total of 28 pounds of citrus fruit) the final cost including shipping cost will be around € 32
for a cost of 1.15 € per kg well below the national average, providing a good and genuine, as newly harvested (only 48 hours before 'arrival in your case).
groups collective purchasingTo take full advantage of the convenience offer, you can set up between family members and acquaintances
buying groups to reduce and divide the cost of shipping. For those who live in the area - Palagiano (TA) - can pick up the product at home without any additional charge. What are you waiting?
enjoy the convenience and quality. Eating healthy means to respect the land and taking care of yourself . Spread the word.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Long Black Erection Pic
THE PRESENCE OF A CAREFUL large groups of citizens, and 'turn BOLOGNETTA A MEETING ON HOW TO PREVENT DISEASE TUMOR ... And how to cure them. TEACHERS DR .. Giuseppe Carrubba MANAGER MEDICAL ONCOLOGY HOSPITAL "MAURIZIO ASCOLI" OF PALERMO AND THE DR. FRANCESCO Magliozzi. Compliments to the organizers.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Laptop And Testicular Atrophy
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wesley Pipes Has An Std
BOLOGNETTA. The Committee for the right to health of Bolognetta, composed. Lombino Santo, Maria Malleo, Rosaria Favia, Maria Lo Cascio, Concetta La Monica, Carmelo Ferrara and Nino Montegallo, organized a meeting to talk of cancer in our area.
"We, citizens of Bolognetta - explain - having noticed in recent years the occurrence of many cancers, we decided that there is no time to stand by and watch the illusion that the problem does not ever touch us. So we got together and trying to understand the causes and possible methods of prevention, we turned to qualified experts. " The meeting will take place on Saturday 13 at 16.30, in the middle of Via Vittorio Emanuele intergenerational No 108. Speakers Dr. Giuseppe Carrubba, Medical Director Oncology Hospital "Maurizio Ascoli "Palermo, Dr. Magliozzi and Dr. Francis. Francesco Giacovelli the Italian Society of General Medicine.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
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